Friday, March 13, 2009

Peter, Please Answer

This site is a riot! Go to Peter, Please Answer and ask a question. If you do it right, Peter will know the answer.

It works like this:

You need a typer, and a person to ask a question.

the typer is in on the trick.

The typer says "ask any question, and Peter will know the answer."

So the skeptical person will ask something like "What's my dogs name?"

The typer types the question into the computer, and WOW! Peter Knows!
"Sparky-Boo-Boo-Doggy" appears on the computer screen in big bold letters.

The person is amazed and asks several more questions.

How does it work?

Peter takes over the keyboard. When the typer is supposedly typing the question, he or she is actually typing the answer.

Try it. Its a blast!


Jane said...

Great post!

Winstrol said...

I tried, Peter said that he didn't want to answer my question right at that moment

Buy Penegra said...

The typer types the question into the computer, Generic Viagra,Kamagra,Lovegra Online and WOW! Peter Knows

xanax said...

Thanks mate... just dropped by. Will look for BIKE STN when we get to Seattle. Still in Buenos Airies.

Sildenafil said...

It is indeed very cool, I at first was amazed with it, until I knew how it works.