Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Oprah's Wildest Dreams

I love Oprah.

She is such an insparation for so many people.
I love her book club, and her talk show format, and her Wildest Dreams Promotion.

When those lucky people see that bus pull up, and have their dreams come true, WOW. How cool is that!

But I wonder...

about all the millions who took pen in hand to write out their dreams...the ones who dared to expose their deepest darkest most impossible hopes to the stranger-friend on the T.V. screen,

Only to find

That they were not good enough,
for Oprah.

1 comment:

HawkOwl said...

I loathe her show. The gossip, the alarmist "new studies show bacteria can multiply on your kitchen sink" stuff, the "men are pigs" segments, and the flashy, cheap philanthropy. Everyone gets a new car... Yay, you're such a hero! How about everyone gets a new IUD? That would be doing something for humanity. Handing out gadgets is just doing something for her ratings.