Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Melancholy Moments

Melancholy moments,
Old age creeping in,
Feeling bland and tired,
Golden linings turn to tin.


Anonymous said...

Chin up, Kelley, it isn't old age creeping in, it's the sucky month of February that won't let go!lol

Angeline Rose Larimer said...

I second what Kathy said. February is like a head cold. When we all finally get over it, everything is going to seem so much better.

And tin can be useful, right?

Kel-Bell said...



Chin Up...

Tis winter grey that makes us joyful in spring sun.

(But Im still going to Florida with LIZ!!!)

B.S. said...

Yep, I'm there. Just this morning, as I tried to jog for the first time in a couple weeks, I wondered if leaden limbs were part of the aging process...